Understanding and Preventing Led Outdoor Accidents Data System (UPLOADS) is a sector-wide incident reporting system that was first deployed in organisations across Australia in 2014. It was developed to address the lack of good quality data on injuries and incidents during led outdoor (LOA) activities. UPLOADS uses a System’s Thinking approach and provides a standardised, national approach to incident report and learning for the LOA Sector.

The UPLOADS App is a web-based application used to record: incident reports; LOA participation data; and action plans used to address identified problems. LOA providers are encouraged to use the UPLOADS App to collect and analyse detailed information to detect trends and formulate data-driven incident prevention strategies. Other benefits of using the app are:

  • Offline reporting from your tablet or phone.
  • User friendly incident analysis and generation of reports.
  • Industry benchmarking to compare your incident data to other similar organisations.

If you choose to participate in the UPLOADS Research project, you will be asked to submit de-identified (which has the names of participants, staff members and the organisation removed) incident and participation data to the National Incident Dataset (NID).

When all LOA providers submit their data to the NID, it forms a repository of information that will used by the research team to analyse incidents, contributory factors, and participation data from a national perspective and provide reports to the LOA sector about the:

  • frequency of incidents associated with different types of LOA
  • characteristics of incidents, injuries, and illnesses that occur during LOA
  • network of contributory factors involved in incident causation.

By understanding what incidents are occurring and what contributory factors are involved, we will ultimately understand how to prevent incidents from occurring again.
We need as many LOA organisations to participate as possible to ensure that the NID outputs provide an accurate overview of trends. If you would like to contribute to the National Incident Dataset, or would like more information, please contact the UPLOADS team at

The research project has received ethics approval from the University of the Sunshine Coast (approval no A/13/454).

Register to use the UPLOADS App

To register your organisation to use the new UPLOADS App, please click here.

UPLOADS App Overview Video

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